Network Operation Center (NOC)
Network Operation Center (NOC)
24/7 Network Management and
Performance Monitoring Services
As your NOC, Parmac gains full visibility into your network to detect anomalies and either take steps to prevent problems or quickly resolve issues as they emerge. We oversee infrastructure and equipment (from wiring to servers), wireless systems, databases, firewalls, related network devices, telecommunications, dashboards, and reporting.
What is the purpose of a NOC?
Simply put, the goal of any NOC is to continuously monitor the performance and
health of a network, maintain optimal network performance and availability, and
to ensure continuous uptime. Parmac manages a host of critical activities,
- Monitoring the network for problems that require special attention, including those originating from outside sources
- Server, network, and device management, including software installation, updates, troubleshooting and distribution across all devices
- Incident response including power failures/communication line issues
- Security: including monitoring, threat analysis & tool deployment
- Backup and storage, disaster recovery
- Email, voice, and video data management
- Patch management
- Firewall/intrusion prevention system management & antivirus support
- Policy enforcement
- Improve service through feedback collection and user recommendations
- Service level agreement follow through
- Vendor, freelancer, and contractor management
Network performance depends on many variables including the volume of users, vast number of devices, website traffic, malware, and remote employees, so the potential for problems can come from almost anywhere. Even seemingly small issues can lead to costly downtime that can wreak havoc on productivity. Parmac’s customers and internal end users don’t even realize it when inevitable incidents or outages do occur.